For as long as I can remember I have switched laundry detergent for different reasons, the intoxicating scents, the non scented for kids skin sensitivities, the chemical free all natural way, you get the point. There have been times when I’ve bought whatever I’ve had a coupon for to save a couple bucks.
This recipe for homemade laundry detergent is such a great one and I can add whatever scents I love, plus it’s super cost effective and great for sensitive skin (which is pretty much everyone in my home). So it definitely covers all my bases when it comes to a detergent.

The ingredients can be purchased at you local grocery store or you can order from Amazon.
- 1 cup of Borax
- 1 cup of Washing Soda
- 1 bar of Fels-Naptha laundry soap
- Essential oils of your choice ( I use lavender & lemon)

Directions: Use a blender
- Add 1 c. of Borax to the blender
- Add 1 c. of Washing Soda to the blender
- Add shredded bar of Fels-Naptha (use a cheese grater to grate bar of soap)
- Add 3- 5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (or oil of your choice)
- Add 3-5 drops of Lemon Essential Oil (or oil of your choice)
- Blend well, wait until dust settles before removing blender lid.

Store your Laundry Detergent in a pretty canister and label it.
Note * I usually double or triple my amount so I have a full container and it lasts longer, plus I do at least 2-3 loads a day.
- Use 1-2 tbsp. per load depending on how dirty the clothes are and load size.
- For extra softness and extra stinky towels I sometimes add 1/4-1/2 cup of white vinegar depending on load size.
- Do not overload your washer, your laundry won’t get as clean and you can put unnecessary stress on your washing machine.
- I use wool dryer balls scented with Lavender Essential Oil instead of dryer sheets ( which also saves a ton of $$$)

Everyone in my family comments on how good their clothes smell and feel. I have to agree that this is the best homemade laundry detergent you can make. This solves all my laundry needs…… oh except for the folding and putting clothes where they need to go. If anyone can help me solve those needs I’d love to hear from you… XO ~Sherri
P.S. The Bath and Body Sweater Weather Candle is one of my favorite scents and apropos for the laundry room which is also a mud room and an entry way into my home (plus the laundry room houses the litter box) so it needs a little scent boost sometimes. The Laundry Co. sign in the background is from Magnolia Market.